Issues & Resolution for RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2

So geht man offen mit "Issues" um. Sehr löblich und gut gemacht. RES sendete als Nachtrag zum Download der RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 die folgenden Infos inkl. der Themen, betroffenen Produkte und Lösungen! Das möchte ich euch nicht vorenthalten...


Our records indicate that you have recently downloaded RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 (previously RES Workspace Manager) and there are four critical issues that may impact your environment. This letter describes the issues and recommends a resolution.

The following issues have been found and resolved:

1. Drivers: Rare Stop error after installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 (

  • After installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 ( on machines running Microsoft Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 or lower, under very rare circumstances, a Stop error could occur.

2. Workspace Composer: Application Security based on file hashes might not be applied after installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 (

  • After installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 (, Application Security based on file hashes was not applied to:
  • Applications with no Actions configured to be executed at application start, which the user started using the managed shortcut.
  • Microsoft App-V 5.x applications.

3. Workspace Composer: Authorized files might not be authorized after installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 (

  • After installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 (, Authorized Files were not authorized in user sessions, if:
  • Managed Application Security based on file hashes was enabled
  • Files and Folders Security and /or Read-Only Blanketing was enabled o the authorized file was:
  • Not an EXE file
  • Located on a location that was protected by Files and Folders Security and /or Read-Only Blanketing.

4. Relay Servers: Delay in processing transactions, high CPU usage after installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 Relay Server (

  • After installing RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 Relay Server (, if a transaction failed to be processed by a Relay Server, subsequent transactions would be processed with a substantial delay. The Relay Server would have very high CPU usage and would be very slow to get in sync with the Datastore.

RES will provide a kit-refresh of RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 (v9.10.2.1). This is currently scheduled for release Thursday, June 2nd (we will notify you if this scheduled release dates changes). With this update, all issues mentioned above have been resolved and documented in an updated Release Notes.



It is recommended you download the updated kit and update your RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 environment referencing the “RES ONE Workspace 2015 SR2 Upgrade Guide”.

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